Dog Obedience Training for Busy Owners

Would love for us to educate your pooch while you work?
Prefer to have professionals do the hard part for you?
Overwhelmed with kids, school, work?
Then this is your page!

We offer K9 Training School (scroll down) where we train your dog for you for 3 weeks
in our own homes for real-life results to save you time and frustrations.

And we also offer Continuing Education (scroll down) which is great if you need a break
or are going out of town, have an event that’s best for your dog not to attend, are remodeling etc.

K9 Training School

Saving you time and frustrations!

Results Far Beyond Expectations

“My 4 month old English Golden Retriever went to K9 Training School after exhibiting some dominance issues with me. The results were far beyond expectations. The team (Sylvie, Joel, & Ryan) were exceptional in their support and expertise. It was obvious how much they cared for me and my puppy. They worked to make sure that Juno's skills were transferred to me and I felt more confident in working with him. By the end of KTS, I had a different dog and a different relationship with him."

–Debra Eng & Juno, K9 Training School Clients

K9 Solutions Raleigh

We provide the home environment to teach your dog home manners, including field trips every 2-3 days for effective public manners. The greatest benefit of our K9 Training School is to save you the time and frustration that many people struggle with when attempting to train their own dog. It also allows us to really get to know your dog on a personal level.

  • Your dog will enjoy field trips every 2-3 days at varying locations to learn polite public manners as well as self-control that will transfer back to your home environment. Locations include parks, malls, classes, pet stores, and businesses. This has proven to be a huge factor in the successful training of your dog.

  • We do NOT use unnecessary and unkind shock/static collars. Our tools are based on trust and respect.

  • There is no point in your dog listening to just us. They need to ultimately listen to you LOL. So we make sure to transfer the material back to you with TWO private consults in YOUR home.

    • The first one occurs when we return your dog so we can coach you on the learned material.

    • The second one happens 1-2 weeks later to bring in any loopholes.

  • We pick up your dog in your home environment so we can best service your individual lifestyle.

  • We will send you regular photos of your dog’s progress so you can see what they are learning!

  • All this for only $2750 and you can fully enjoy your pooch’s good manners.